
Friday, April 25, 2014

Chatting with Leah Rhyne, Author of #Zombie Days, Campfire Nights @Leah_Beth #Horror #SciFi #AmReading

How did you develop your writing?
Honestly? I just started writing, and figured it out as I went. I’ve written four (almost five) books now, and I know there’s something new and exciting that I’ve learned in each one.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
Everywhere. It started with the horror movies I grew up watching with my dad. Then it turned to the sci-fi flicks I preferred as a teenager. Now it’s everything. Everywhere. I draw a lot from history, from historical situations like the Holocaust and World War II. There’s so much material there to explore, I can’t imagine ever running out of stories to tell.

What is hardest – getting published, writing or marketing?
Marketing! Oh GOD I’m terrible at marketing. It’s like…I wrote this book, and I know I love it, and I want you to love it too…but to talk about it? No, that just makes me blush and get all weird and tongue-tied. I’m the worst!

What marketing works for you?
Ask me that again in about six months and I’ll tell you. :P

Do you find it hard to share your work?
No. I like to share it. Why write if you’re not going to share it? But just don’t ask me to TALK about it!!!

Is your family supportive? Do your friends support you?
Ohmigosh yes. They’re all amazing! My husband reads and edits my stuff; my parents tell all their friends about their crazy author daughter; my daughter writes her own books now; and my friends are so great about buying my books and telling their friends about it. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive group around me.

Do you plan to publish more books?
I surely hope so! Book 3 of the Undead America series will be out in the fall of 2014. That’ll finish the trilogy out. Beyond that…I’ve written two unrelated books, and hope to find them homes this year.

What else do you do to make money, other than write? It is rare today for writers to be full time…
I used to have a day job as a computer software tester, but these days I actually am a full time writer. I freelance to help pay bills, writing for literary sites and a local paper, and I work on my books. Also, I’m a full time soccer mom. So there’s that.

What other jobs have you had in your life?
Ha! I’ve been working since I was about 12, starting out with a pretty robust babysitting business (I adored the Babysitters Club books!), moving on to lifeguarding, vet tech, legal secretary, computer software analyst, web administrator…should I go on?

If you could study any subject at university what would you pick?
I would LOVE to go back in time and major in history, get my masters, a PhD and perhaps teach at a university. I think history has so much to teach us about the future (does that sound cheesy? Possibly, I guess, but it’s true.). There’s no story that’s not already been told, no personality that we haven’t already seen. If we don’t learn from the past, we’ll repeat its mistakes, and we’ve made some pretty big mistakes in this world. You know? So I’d love to study that.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I’d love a house in the mountains of the south (perhaps Asheville, NC) and an apartment in New York City. Plus also London. I love London.

Millions died when the zombie plague swept the country. For the survivors, the journey has just begun. Jenna, Sam, and Lola are still alive. Jenna avoids human contact, traveling East Coast backroads with her boyfriend, a dog named Chicken, and a Louisville Slugger. Sam escapes to the mountains, where he's conscripted into a zombie-slaying militia sent on nightly raids to kill the undead...and innocent civilians. 

Lola's imprisoned in the "safety" of a zombie-free New Orleans hotel, but life grows more dangerous when her brother gets bitten by a zombie. Jenna arrives in the French Quarter, lured by the false promises of New Orleans' drunken leader. There, she's ripped away from her boyfriend, drugged, and dumped in a death camp after refusing Franklin's sexual advances. 

Jenna and Lola's lives collide there, where the dead live and the dying are victims of gruesome medical experiments. Escape isn't easy: release the genetically-enhanced zombies from the lab to create a diversion, slip away, and don't get eaten. When Sam arrives, will he join the right side of the battle?

Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – NA-Horror, Sci-fi
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author
Connect with Leah Rhyne on Facebook & Twitter

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