
Monday, March 11, 2013

Review: Kaleidoscope World by Tomica Scavina

Kaleidoscope WorldKaleidoscope World by Tomica Scavina
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you could only save one character from the book, which one would it be and why? It would have to be Dahlia. When the book starts, she appears needy but as she finds the answers she is looking for, you see grow just as flower blooms. Excellent book and story.

Favourite location / setting … Barcelona, where most of the story is set. There are multiple flashbacks to feed the reader Dahlia's memories and this makes for an interesting 'kaleidoscope' as the reader discovers all the different shades of each character.

Did you find this book a quick read? For the most part, it was a quick read. There were one or two flashback scenes that I had to read more than once so I didn't get lost.

How did you feel about the main character? I liked her very much. She and Tomica take the reader on a rollercoaster ride of the human mind. I loved it.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

View all my reviews

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