
Monday, February 24, 2014

Survivors of #sexualabuse are invisible? ... Chatting with #Author Ty Johnson-Anderson @invisible_soror

Have you ever had writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
I have it a lot. To get over it I usually have a conversation with someone or myself. That usually gets my ideas to flow.
How did you come up with the title?
Survivors of sexual abuse are often demeaned down to statistics, in essence we are invisible. We walk among society wearing a mask. We are a sorority of women invisible to even each other, hence, The Invisible Sorority.
Who designed the cover?
My cover was a combination of my ideas and a contracted individual. She does a lot of my work, from my eBooks to my published works.
Who is your publisher?
I self-published my book. I could not wait for someone else to deem my topic important enough to want to publish. If I would be still stuck with marketing my own material I might as well have creative control over the book as well.
Why did you choose to write this particular book?
I write to inspire survivors of sexual assault with my story. As survivors, we often walk around in our own little bubble thinking we are alone in our plight. And we aren’t. I want them to know, there are other Invisible Sorority members among us and we need to step out of the shadow of guilt and support one another.
What was the hardest part about writing this book?
Putting it out to the public and opening myself up to criticism. My life is in the book, it isn’t fiction, it’s all me. Bare to the world. That’s totally scary, but it’s a story that needs to be told and if it helps one person than it is totally worth it.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
One should stop holding on to negativity. I was once told that holding a glass of water for an hour may not prove hard, but holding it for hours may leave your arm numb. Think about what that is for when you hold that negativity in your heart. Your heart will become numb, incapable of loving someone else because you are too absorbed about the past. We have to let it go.
How much of the book is realistic?
Absolutely 100%. Every horrid detail in the book is something I went through/felt/still feel. I’ve left some details out as it brings back so much bad juju but, my book is my soul on paper.
Can we expect any more books from you in the future?
Absolutely! I carry a book around I call my “Wild A$$ Ideas” book that is full of book titles and synopsis’, so there will definitely be follow on books.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years I see myself hosting annual Invisible Sorority slumber party retreats. Speaking at schools, trying to change the way we teach our children about sexual relationships. Eventually, The Invisible Sorority will be a non-profit organization that can host summer camps for preteen girls to teach respect for themselves and to build a network of adult women they can speak to for matters they wouldn’t want to bring to their parents.
Do you have any specific last thoughts that you want to say to your readers?
One should stop holding on to negativity. I was once told that holding a glass of water for an hour may not prove hard, but holding it for hours may leave your arm numb. Think about what that is for when you hold that negativity in your heart. Your heart will become numb, incapable of loving someone else because you are too absorbed about the past. We have to let it go.

Ty Johnson-Anderson is the creator of The Invisible Sorority, a community of intimate partner sexual assault victims ushering one another into healing and thriving post-assault. Ty launched the movement, I Am Not Invisible, in an effort to humanize the victimless statistics. Once a young adult spiraling out of control, she has managed to emotionally liberate herself from her dark past and move forward to manifest her future. She lives in Edgewood, Maryland with her wonderful husband and beautiful little girl. Visit her at
The Invisible Sorority will show you:
Why forgiveness can be your best healing tool
Several techniques you can use to heal your heart through mastering your mind via hypnosis and guided meditations
How to increase your ability to manifest your ideal future
How to embrace your tears to strenthen your emotional stability
Improve your sex life using several intimacy exercises designed to show you to live in the NOW
The invisible sorority is like a phone conversation with your best friend. It will inspire you to make positive changes in your life while helping you to ease the pain of your past assault.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Non-Fiction, Self Help-Abuse
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author
Connect with Ty Johnson-Anderson on Facebook & Twitter

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